11 Сивана 5784 г., второй день недели, гл. Баалотха

Choosing the leader

Media in everyday life, in his view, repeatedly actualize those events in Jewish society, whose frequency of occurrence at that moment is the greatest.

14.12.2022 504 (0)
Choosing the leader
Choosing the leader

Many political scientists, sociologists, and researchers, who deal with behavioral sciences, including T. Sheafer, professor of Political Science and Communication, have noted such characteristic features of Israeli parliament election process, as the following: voters focus their attention not on the parties, but on the personalities of leaders (especially if the party is represented by a former prime minister); crucial role of the parliament coalitions and blocks, which often do not match the original voter`s decision and that the formation of voters' desire to choose is largely dependent on the way the voter positions himself in the Israeli society.

Media in everyday life, in his view, repeatedly actualize those events in Jewish society, whose frequency of occurrence at that moment is the greatest.

For example, these may be economic, political or security events. All these mechanisms, in addition to the fact that they can bring division and misunderstanding in society, also lead to reflection on how the voter can fulfill the permanent desire for making choices and what kind of Jewish leader possesses the traits of a true leader, who unites the entire Jewish nation.

Exploring the sources of Hasidism, we find that one of the striking manifestations of Hasidic leaders is the absolute desire to help every Jew, which is exactly what the potential voter wants, transferring this attitude to himself. In the today`s personality of a possible political leader, the voter sees a real friend who cares about his own problems, a leader whose activities are aimed at improving all aspects of voter`s life.

In our time, one such leader is the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita. The Rebbe makes sure that the voice of any Jew is heard and that Jew is helped. When the Rebe was asked by one of his visitors: "Rebbe, what exactly do you do? And why are you admired by so many?". The Rebe replied: "I try to be a good friend."

Then he gave the person the description of what a true friend should be. He said: "A friend is someone in whose presence you can think aloud without worrying about being taken advantage of. A friend is someone who suffers with you when you are in pain and rejoices in your joy. A friend is someone who looks out for you, and always has your best interests in mind."

The Rebbe summarized that "in fact, a true friend is like an extension of yourself", and asked with a smile: "Now, how many friends like that do you have?" His visitor understood everything.

In addition to being so sensitive to every Jew, the Rebbe is also a true leader, which unites the Jewish, under his ruling the Land of Israel will gain its integrity and other nations will see the true greatness of the Jewish nation. Understanding that Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita is the only Teacher chosen by G-d in this generation, who will lead the world to the perfect condition, leads to the need to ask G-d to reveal the Rebbe as soon as possible and to bring this day closer by making more good deeds.

All above mentioned is relevant to our days, because according to the Jewish righteous, all the circumstances around us in which we find ourselves signal the nearness of that time: the unprecedented progress, the rapid development of cashless transactions, the constant splashes of different charitable activities around the world. Besides that, such actions as spreading the sources of Hasidism, as well as promoting the identity of Moshiach, are some of the most difficult tasks in this generation and, therefore, some of the most necessary.

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