24 Ияра 5784 г., суббота недели, гл. Бамидбар

Corruption in the Turkish construction business has caused tragic deaths

The photo above shows the terrible destruction from the earthquake in Turkey. However, we can see that some houses have been completely destroyed, while others are standing intact. So, how did this happen?

12.02.2023 598 (0)
Corruption in the Turkish construction business has caused tragic deaths
Corruption in the Turkish construction business has caused tragic deaths

The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria turned out to be one of the strongest earthquakes of the last hundred years. There were 5,000 deaths in Syria and 20,000 in Turkey. It is estimated that these numbers will double. About 170,000 people are currently involved in rescue efforts! Among them is a large delegation from Israel.

The photo above shows the terrible destruction from the earthquake in Turkey. However, we can see that some houses have been completely destroyed, while others are standing intact. So, how did this happen?

There is now a growing outrage in Turkey against dishonest construction contractors, a dozen of whom have reportedly already been arrested. They are accused of constructing many buildings in violation of safety standards and norms.

It turns out that such construction safety violations, which meant that construction could be done much faster, were very common in Turkey, one could say they had become a “building culture.

To make things worse, very often, even when these violations were found, they were “fixed” with quick “cosmetic” changes. At the same time, the officials responsible for enforcing safety standards massively ignored such horrific violations, apparently for “additional cash”. As a result, there was no actual fixing of the issues.

The land of Israel is the safest place on the planet!

Yet what about the security problems and, above all, the Arab terrorists?

The Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach SHLITA repeatedly explains that if we stand firm against the terrorists, the problems with them will be solved. Therefore, I am convinced that we need the death penalty against terrorists, the expulsion of their sympathizers, the abolition of all the special prison privileges that Arab terrorists now enjoy in Israeli jails, and a large-scale counter-terrorist operation in Jerusalem and in the cities of Judea and Samaria, which have literally become terror hotbeds.

And all this — the sooner the better!

Yet first of all, in order for the government to implement all these measures, we need the urgent legal reform that Justice Minister Levin is now initiating.

Otherwise, the drastic bloc of top legal officials will eliminate even the first steps of the government’s reasonable and effective decisions towards ensuring the security of the people of Israel.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Коррупция в Турции привела к ужасным жертвам Comments: 0

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