24 Ияра 5784 г., суббота недели, гл. Бамидбар

The Lebanese economy collapsed by 20% more

Tensions with Lebanon have risen since then, but now with the collapse of the Lebanese pound happening so fast — and it falling 20% in 6 days — Lebanon has a very good reason not to provoke Israel...

21.03.2023 372 (0)
The Lebanese economy collapsed by 20% more
The Lebanese economy collapsed by 20% more

The Lebanese pound has lost 20% of its value in 6 days! Two weeks ago we reported that it collapsed to 85,000 pounds per dollar, then last week to 100,000, and now it has reached 120,000 pounds per dollar!

By the grace of the Almighty, this collapse comes just at the moment of increasing tensions between Israel and Lebanon, amidst the infiltration of the terrorist who detonated the explosive device at the Megido crossroads. As we recall, the only vehicle affected by the explosion was an Arab car driving in the oncoming lane...

Tensions with Lebanon have risen since then, but now with the collapse of the Lebanese pound happening so fast — and it falling 20% in 6 days — Lebanon has a very good reason not to provoke Israel...

This collapse of the Lebanese economy clearly demonstrates to the Lebanese people (and to Hizbullah) that a military confrontation with Israel is out of the question in the near future.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Ливанская экономика обрушилась еще на 20% Comments: 0

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