11 Сивана 5784 г., второй день недели, гл. Баалотха

Minister Ben-Gvir made the right thing!

It is appropriate here to note the behavior of Minister Ben-Gvir, who refused to fear and to give in under the threat from Arab enemies.

05.01.2023 577 (0)
Minister Ben-Gvir made the right thing!
Itamar Ben-Gvir photo: daviddanberg

Yesterday, on the fasting of the 10th of Tevet, held by the people of Israel in mourning of the destruction of the Temple, the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir ascended the Temple Mount.

In repulsion, Arab terrorists fired a rocket from the Gaza Strip against Israel.

By miracles revealed to us and by the grace of the Almighty, this rocket fell in the Gaza Strip. As it is said, “Their sword shall enter their heart, and their bows shall be broken.” (Tehillim 37:15)!

The IDF has still not taken any action in response to this terrorist attack. Obviously, this was the direct order of the political government. In the past, in most cases when terrorist rockets fell in the Gaza Strip on their own, nothing was in the responce. But now, on the contrary, it is a “different” government, stronger than the previous one, which has promised us the alternative standard of behavior...

We can only hope that this new government will actually restore the containment policy and make the enemies to pay a heavy price, even when their attempts to kill Jews fail, thank G-d.

It is appropriate here to note the behavior of Minister Ben-Gvir, who refused to fear and to give in under the threat from Arab enemies.

At the same time, it is also worth emphasizing that the vast majority of Jewish religious authorities are convinced that one should not go up to the Temple Mount now, certainly not because of fear from enemy threats, but because of apprehension concerning a possible violation of Jewish law.

A violation that results in one of the heaviest punishment, the “karet”, which can be brought down upon a Jew who has ascended the Temple Mount and even happened to be on the place where the Holy of Holies of the Temple was (and will be) located, which is strictly forbidden. In addition, it should be stressed that a Jew can visit other parts of the Temple Mount only after going to the Mikvah with the extensive and complex rules.

In addition, it should be noted that the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s teaching on this topic is in agreement with the majority of the Jewish religious authorities.

It is very important to emphasize that the Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA, King Moshiach was strongly opposed to persecution and violence against Jews ascending the Temple Mount.

“The uneducated people persist in preventing Jews from going up there and continue this to the point of forcing Jews out of it against their will,” the Rebbe said in his talk of 10 Kislev 5739 (1978), delivered at the end of the holy Shabbat “Vayetze”.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Министр Бен-Гвир поступил верно! Comments: 0

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