25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Netanya: last week’s terror attack miraculously ended without casualties

And please keep in mind that the official police statement mentions “miracle” — so the police are admitting miracles, too!

22.03.2023 507 (0)
Netanya: last week’s terror attack miraculously ended without casualties
Netanya: last week’s terror attack miraculously ended without casualties

Yesterday police confirmed reports that a terrorist attack that broke out last week in Netanya miraculously ended without casualties or injuries. An Arab terrorist, a resident of Samaria, attacked a woman walking down the street with a stroller and a baby in it. The terrorist stabbed the woman, but miraculously only tore her coat.

Below is the official statement from the police press service:

About a week ago, police arrested a resident of Judea and Samaria in Netanya for possessing a knife. The investigation revealed that the suspect had carried out an attack with a knife, which ended without casualties. He will be charged this week and sentenced to detention until the proceedings are completed.

On March 12, 2023, officers at the Netanya police station began a quick search after receiving a report through “Moked 100” (call center) of a suspicious man in a pedestrian street near Independence Square, armed with a knife and allegedly attacking passersby with it.

Police officers on motorcycles quickly arrived at the scene and apprehended the suspect, a 20-year-old resident of Judea and Samaria, with a folding knife. However, no casualties were found at the scene.

As previously mentioned, as part of the investigation into the circumstances of the crime, which included gathering documentary evidence from the scene, questioning and obtaining additional information, it was discovered that the suspect had stabbed a woman in the shoulder, in front of passersby and her children. Miraculously, he had only torn her coat without damaging the woman’s body, who continued on her way and left the scene.

The Special Crime Unit at the Netanya Division conducted an expedited and covert investigation, during which any suspicion of terrorist crime participants or other related acts of terror were excluded. Thereafter, in accordance with the necessities of the investigation, the detention of the suspect was extended by the court.

Yesterday morning, the suspect was sent to court to consider a request for a further extension of his detention by the military court. He will be charged in the coming days with the abovementioned crimes....

And please keep in mind that the official police statement mentions “miracle” — so the police are admitting miracles, too!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Нетания: теракт на прошлой неделе чудом закончился без жертв Comments: 0

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