10 Сивана 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Баалотха

Large-scale IDF operation launched in Jenin

Additionally, tanks have been deployed to Jenin, but it is unclear whether they are operating inside the city.

03.07.2023 585 (0)
 Large-scale IDF operation launched in Jenin
Large-scale IDF operation launched in Jenin

The IDF launched a large-scale counter-terrorism operation in Jenin, one of the largest Arab cities in northern Samaria. The aim of the operation, according to a political source is: “to end Jenin’s role as a hotbed of terror.”

About an hour after midnight, large IDF forces closed off the exits and entrances to Jenin. Then, with the help of demining bulldozers who had removed the dangerous explosive devices planted on the outskirts of the town and opened the way for armoured vehicles, as well as under the cover of snipers firing at terrorist positions, infantry units as well as bomb disposal units and special forces were brought into the town.

At the same time, terrorists in Jenin were attacked from the air. Several terrorists have already been eliminated, both by drone strikes and by other means.

Additionally, tanks have been deployed to Jenin, but it is unclear whether they are operating inside the city.

Intelligence is being gathered both by UAVs from the air and by other means (terrorists are spreading recommendations to each other not to use mobile phones under any circumstances).

Arab terrorists are reporting dozens (at least thirty) wounded and many eliminated — the exact number is not clear yet, but it appears we are talking about at least a dozen neutralised terrorists.

The Jenin operation was launched with a targeted air strike on the main joint headquarters of the terrorist groups. As this headquarters was located on UNRAW-UN refugee agency property, the terrorists felt safe there and did not expect the surprise attack that struck them at the start of the operation, causing chaos among the groups and thus providing an important advantage to our units entering the city.

Moreover, in preparation for the IDF ground operation, the terrorists had stockpiled large quantities of explosives in many buildings on the outskirts of the area in which they had fortified, with the intention of throwing them at the IDF forces as they entered the city.

In fact, the air strike on the headquarters took them by surprise, so they failed to properly activate the explosives they had prepared. As a result, by the grace of God, a large IDF force entered the city with minimal resistance.

The IDF counter-terrorist operation focused on the so-called “Jenin refugee camp,” an area that has become a staging ground and refuge for numerous terrorist groups, rather than on the city itself. However, specific and pinpoint operations are also carried out around the “camp” and in the rest of Jenin.

The main objective is to destroy the terrorist infrastructure in the “refugee camp”, which includes headquarters, military depots, explosives laboratories, weapons manufacturing machines, etc. It is worth mentioning that the terrorists have recently advertised their ability to launch homemade rockets from Jenin, this morning they were actually caught launching such a homemade rocket from the “refugee camp”.

The operation is also intended to arrest many terrorists and their collaborators, who have been wanted by the security services (at the moment more than 15 people have been arrested), and to prevent a sense of security from terrorist activists who have been convinced that no one can touch them in the “refugee camp”, a kind of secure “safe haven” for them. It should be noted that at least fifty terrorist attacks with firearms have been carried out by criminals from this “refugee camp” in recent times.

Although the operation is local and restricted in size, it is run by the top army commanders in the army bunker in Tel Aviv’s Kirya (Ministry of Defence) — the Commander of the Central District and the Chief of the General Staff.

The direct commander of the operation was Brigadier General Avi Balut, the Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, a highly merited field commander who happens to be a Torah and commandment observant (a graduate of a military yeshiva located in the Samaria village of Eli).

Recall that in situations such as these, when we especially need to strengthen security for all the people of Israel, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, King Moshiach, used to suggest reciting more Psalms, especially 20, 22, 69, 79, 130 and 150 and also to increase the charity work...

The operation in Jenin is carried out by a special forces brigade. In other words, the main role in it is assigned to the 89th “Oz” Special Operations Brigade. The elite brigade, established about eight years ago, consists of the “Maglan”, “Egoz” and “Duvdevan” structural units. This brigade’s fighters undergo special training to conduct sabotage and other combat operations behind enemy lines. They receive this training at a special base in the “Adam” complex (which has been used for many years to train the IDF’s elite units).

Along with the Special Forces Brigade, other elite units are involved in the “refugee camp” — the “Parachute Brigade”, the 1st Infantry Brigade “Golani” Special Operations Battalion, the 933rd Infantry Brigade “Nahal” Special Operations Battalion, as well as engineer units providing route clearance using heavily protected bulldozers and a variety of other means. Additional infantry forces are deployed around the “refugee camp” as well as small armoured units. The operation is also supported strongly from the air, with extensive and accurate reconnaissance as well as offensive support. At least ten air strikes have been carried out against terrorists so far.

In general, it should be noted that in such operations especially great importance is paid to intelligence gathered directly in real time — in the course of combat operations. We are talking about data obtained as a result of operative investigation of arrested terrorists and through study of detected materials, seized caches and laboratories of explosives. In addition, the entire battlefield is “energised” and “warmed up” at such a moment: multiple fighters and operatives begin to move around, communicating vigorously with each other, revealing themselves and allowing their activities to be monitored and disrupted.

The large amount of intelligence gathered over the course of the operation is used to select additional targets — both targets for attacks and for intelligence gathering. In this way, the operation “unfolds” and feeds on itself, generating more and more intelligence and providing more targeted eliminations.

We, for our part, will pray for the success of our fighters and for the safety of all Israelis, wherever they may be.

The Israeli Air Force destroyed the terrorists’ surveillance intelligence centre as well as cameras in the access roads to the refugee camp. And from it, too, the terrorist squads became active, so the first air strike was directed against this headquarters. Its destruction directly damaged the intelligence and operational capabilities of the terrorist organizations in the refugee camp and allowed the rapid deployment of combat engineer units, a commando brigade, and with it the cruisers “Golani”, “Nahal” and paratrooper units.

These large and highly trained forces are now working in the heart of the camp with dedication, courage and determination to destroy the many terrorists who have turned the camp into one big nest of terror.

We all have a right and a duty to add to the Torah, prayer and commandments — giving merits to the warriors who are fighting for us.

It is interesting to note that these days we read in the Torah about the battles of the Jewish people against the Midianim, who led the Jews into sin and caused a plague, from which 24,000 people died: “Distress the Midianites, and you shall smite them. For they distress you with their plots which they contrived against you”. The Torah goes on about this war in the next chapter: “Arm from among you men for the army, that they can be against Midian, and carry out the revenge of the Lord against Midian... A thousand for each tribe, a thousand for each tribe, from all the tribes of Israel you shall send into the army. From the thousands of Israel one thousand was given over for each tribe, twelve thousand armed for battle.”

The question is asked: “Why are the words ‘one thousand each’ repeated three times?” Sages explain there were not 12 thousand soldiers in total but three times more: 12 thousand fought, 12 thousand supported them in battle and another 12 thousand prayed for the victory. And the great miracle happened: “Your servants counted the soldiers who were in our charge, and not one man was missing from us”, that is, thanks to numerous prayers there were no losses in the war!

We will also join together in prayer, recitation of Psalms and charity for the merit of our soldiers.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Началась масштабная операция ЦАХАЛа в Дженине Comments: 0

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