10 Сивана 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Баалотха

An Analysis of IDF Statements during Operation “Swords of Iron”

We must realize the simple truth, to defeat Hamas we need to destroy everything it uses — all of its legitimate targets. Give our fighters the opportunity to finally win. Launch a truly massive attack, not verbally, but practically. Bring our full force down on them, without the shameful “pounding on the roof” — from sea, air and land.

09.10.2023 510 (0)
An Analysis of IDF Statements during Operation “Swords of Iron”
An Analysis of IDF Statements during Operation “Swords of Iron”

Here below I have summarized the official statements of the IDF Press Office over the past few hours, along with my commentary on them.

1. IDF is attacking.

No, air attacks are not really “IDF is attacking” at all. Especially since we’re only talking about a few dozen airplanes every 4 hours. As long as we don’t see ground attacks, at least serious artillery attacks, including massive ground-based precision Tammuz missile strikes, it’s too early to say that “IDF is attacking”.

2. Every 4 hours there is a massive air attack, which involves 50 to 60 airplanes, dropping hundreds and thousands of bombs.

Consider the fact that the IDF has hundreds of combat aircraft, as well as hundreds of attack drones (according to official publications, we are talking about 5 squadrons). Moreover, there are two more squadrons of attack helicopters. Therefore, 50-60 combat aircraft deployed every 4 hours is hard for me to call a large-scale attack of our entire army.

3. About the complaints of reservists that there is a lack of equipment: “The army has enough equipment and food too.”

The complaints of reservists by no means should be swept under the carpet! They write in social media and clearly highlight the defects even in standard military equipment — bulletproof vests, helmets, etc. Praise G-d, the people of Israel are now coming to the rescue in a friendly way. Blessed is everyone who is now helping to replenish food and equipment for our fighters.

4. There is no electricity in the Gaza strip.

“There is no electricity in the Gaza strip”? I suggest that the person who made that claim look at all the videos taken in the Gaza Strip and see that there is still, unfortunately, electricity available.

Yes, Israel has indeed cut off electricity to the Strip, but the Gaza strip itself has its own power plant and it continues to produce electricity. The obvious question arises, why our army has not yet destroyed it or at least paralyzed its work?

What is the reason that Hamas headquarters is still receiving electricity from their own power plant as usual?

5. A total of 1,200 targets have been attacked so far, including 21 high-rise buildings.

The number of targets attacked in 48 hours is only 1200? The IDF is capable of attacking thousands of targets in one day!

As for the “attacked” “high-rise” buildings, it sounds as if the demolition of high-rise buildings is exactly the sort of thing that is doing Hamas a lot of damage. Except that the videos coming from the sector clearly show that some of these buildings are nothing more than small and not-so-tall houses of a few floors. Moreover, some of them are not destroyed at all, but only damaged. In this way we are unlikely to break Hamas.

6. In Gaza, 425 terrorists have been eliminated, and between 300 and 400 more terrorists have been eliminated in Israel.

The death toll inside the Gaza Strip is still very far from the lethal capabilities of the IDF Air Force.

The Air Force can be more heavily engaged, the Navy could crush coastal targets. There could also be heavy use of precision artillery (including precision Tammuz missiles).

But the main thing, of course, is the ground operation. Only it can lead to the elimination of thousands of terrorists and the destruction of Hamas. I hope that this is well understood by those who make decisions about the further actions of our army.

7. There are still 6 active war zones around the Gaza Strip: there were terrorists in Kibbutz Kfar Gaza, where a suspected tunnel is being checked, 70 terrorists infiltrated Kibbutz Be’eri tonight, there is a suspected tunnel there as well, clashes continue in Niirim, Alumimim, Nir Oz and Holit.

The fact that after 48 hours there are still 6-7 active battlegrounds in our territory, and the fact that despite billions of dollars invested in underground barriers, two tunnels are suspected (in Kibbutz Kfar Gaza and Be’eri) is a terrible failure. Can’t we send elite units — special forces battalions of the Golani, Tzanhanim, Nahal and Givati Brigades, battalions of the Commando Brigade (Egoz, Maglan, Duvdevan) to each of these 6-7 settlements, provide them with air support by attack helicopters and attack drones, and finally eliminate the terrorists inside Israel?

8. Israeli Navy Special Forces eliminated dozens of Nohba militants (the elite Hamas unit that carried

The Israeli Navy’s Special Forces eliminated dozens of Nohba terrorists (the elite Hamas unit that carried out the invasion of Israel) at sea and on land, capturing on land the deputy leader of the “Hamas Navy”.

The Navy Special Forces are doing a wonderful job and, G-d willing, are making great advances, but what we need now is more initiative, more proactive activities that will take the terrorists by surprise, rather than just protecting and catching them “on the beach”.

We have already witnessed what is the cost of passive defense when the line of defense around a sector is broken. It is necessary to take active preemptive action — all the time, all day and all night long. This is the only way to exhaust and break the enemy.

We must attack all of the naval stations of Hamas, completely destroy its entire naval infrastructure, as well as the civilian infrastructure that it uses for terrorist purposes (docks, etc.).

We must realize the simple truth, to defeat Hamas we need to destroy everything it uses — all of its legitimate targets. Give our fighters the opportunity to finally win. Launch a truly massive attack, not verbally, but practically. Bring our full force down on them, without the shameful “pounding on the roof” — from sea, air and land.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Анализ заявлений ЦАХАЛа Comments: 0

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