25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Hamas terrorists hide their center under a hospital

All of this was well known to Israeli intelligence, but has now been revealed to the public in Israel and around the world.

29.10.2023 346 (0)
Hamas terrorists hide their center under a hospital
Hamas terrorists hide their center under a hospital

At the end of the week, the IDF revealed a lot of information about Hamas using hospitals in the Gaza Strip to hide their terrorist activities, moving weapons, and operational headquarters — with the clear understanding that Israel “will not bomb there.” Published photographic evidence — interviews with terrorists caught in the Gaza Strip — who have stated this explicitly!

According to them, Hamas knows that Israel will not bomb clinics, hospitals and schools — so they hide there and hide a lot of weapons and equipment; that’s where their headquarters, warehouses, etc. are located, and Shifaa Hospital is — is Hamas’s biggest center.

All of this was well known to Israeli intelligence, but has now been revealed to the public in Israel and around the world.

In a special briefing for the international media, an IDF spokesperson revealed a large amount of information proving that Hamas regularly and in extraordinary situations uses the humanitarian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip to serve its terrorist activities, while at the same time using the humanitarian shelter to protect its terrorists and the terrorist organization’s bosses.

The organization’s center of operations in the Gaza Strip is Shifaa Hospital, the central and largest hospital located in the very center of the city.

Shifaa Hospital has several underground complexes used by leaders of the Hamas terrorist organization to run their terrorist activities, as well as a tunnel leading to the hospital that allows access to Hamas headquarters without going through the hospital. Additionally, inside the hospital is Hamas’ internal security command center, heavily equipped with armed men in regular and emergency situations, and also hosts the terrorist headquarters from which the terrorists fire rockets, control forces, and store weapons and ammunition.

The hospital has 1,500 beds and about 4,000 employees who are human shields for the leaders of the Hamas terrorist organization. The underground headquarters is accessed from a series of tunnel shafts attached to the hospital, and there is also an entrance from the medical and treatment sections of the hospital.

The hospital’s energy infrastructure, which was supposed to be used by its patients, is in fact simultaneously being used by the underground terrorist organization and its bosses, who are subjecting civilians to danger.

At the same time, Hamas now also controls the existing energy resources in the sector and prefers to channel them to its needs at the expense of the civilian population.

The information about Hamas’ use of the hospital is based on a very wide range of well-informed Israeli intelligence sources. All information, much of which is not disclosed here, has been passed on to our colleagues around the world.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Террористы ХАМАСа прячут свой центр под больницей Comments: 0

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