25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

The lives of our soldiers matter most — we should not listen to the United States

The heavy pressure from the Biden administration has forced our government to refuse to implement a real blockade of the Gaza Strip.

14.12.2023 718 (0)
The lives of our soldiers matter most — we should not listen to the United States
Gaza IDF

One of the popular claims is that we have to surrender under the pressure of the Biden administration, which is hostile to us, because the U. S. supplies us with weapons. They claim that if they refuse to supply us with arms, we will not be able to continue the war at all.

The answer to this at first glance logical argument is an equally logical counterargument — if we fight without the restrictions imposed on us by the Biden administration, we probably won’t need so many weapons, because Hamas will be defeated much faster.

Let’s unravel this argument in more detail:

The heavy pressure from the Biden administration has forced our government to refuse to implement a real blockade of the Gaza Strip. A real blockade, including cutting off water, electricity, all food supplies and medical equipment, would have forced Hamas to surrender within weeks.

1. There are not enough water sources in the Strip ( those that were, they themselves have destroyed by their own barbaric exploitation). Therefore, if Gaza were cut off from Israel’s water supply, the Gazans would put the required pressure on Hamas, and the terrorists themselves would not last long on their own supplies.

2. The same can be said about electricity, including fuel for the generators that produce electricity, which in turn allows the tunnels to be ventilated and even air-conditioned.

Without electricity, without fuel (which Israel is allowing into Gaza under extreme pressure from the hostile Biden administration), and thus without generators, the terrorists would suffocate in their tunnels within weeks or be forced to crawl out and surrender to the mercy of our soldiers. We would have also ended up with an agreement to release our hostages on much better terms.

3. All the released hostages tell us unanimously that while being held as hostages they had very limited food, and not only they, but also their abductors themselves. Thus, on this matter as well, by imposing a hermetic blockade on the sector in terms of food supply, Hamas could have been forced to make concessions much more quickly.

Finally, another very important point is that the current battles are being fought now, in all areas of the Strip, with much less use of aerial fire on enemy buildings. Unfortunately, this is explicitly stated by our fighters, whose lives are in much greater danger as a consequence of this. In one of the “viral” videos that spread across the soldiers` network, a soldier fighting in Jabaliya mentions this directly.

In other words, after the resumption of the fighting, our air forces are much less used for massive destruction of the enemy than they were used before. They are now forced to operate literally with surgical procedures that may be suitable for targeted eliminations, but are completely inadequate for suppressing and destroying the thousands of terrorists waiting for our fighters in ambushes inside buildings and in mines beneath buildings.

If the IDF had fought without the restrictions imposed on us by the Biden administration — the way the Americans themselves fight — demolishing hundreds of buildings (after warning the “civilians” and giving them time to evacuate, and they would certainly have fled, not wanting to be buried under the collapsed buildings), the fighting would have been much more effective and would have ended much more quickly, so that the enormous stockpile of weapons provided by the Americans would most likely not have been needed.

The destruction of enemy buildings can and should be accomplished with heavy weapons — a few bombs weighing a ton. As a result of such bombing, a multi-story building is completely destroyed (usually only a crater remains). Then the terrorists have nowhere to return to ambush, nowhere to hide, and the shafts to the underground tunnels are destroyed or blocked by the wreckage.

It is worth noting that after the end of the Yom Kippur War, the Prime Minister of the time Golda Meir and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan also made statements that they were forced to reject a preemptive strike against the armies of Egypt and Syria (after the head of the “Mossad” had met in London with the most important Israeli agent Ashraf Marwan, who explicitly warned of an imminent war), justifying themselves by saying that in other case the U. S. allegedly would not have sent a flow of arms and ammunition to Israel.

Sadly, as the Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach states at the time, if they had not been afraid to launch a preemptive strike against the enemy armies, they probably would not have needed American weapons at all.

If a preemptive strike had been launched then, the war plans of Egypt and Syria would have been completely destroyed. The enemies would have lost the advantage of surprise upon which they based all their plans, and the war would have ended much more quickly. So, we probably wouldn’t have needed American arms and ammunition. On the contrary, receiving American military aid tied our army’s hands even more tightly. After all, the U. S. demanded from Israel not to destroy the Third Egyptian Army, and not to advance deep into Egypt and Syria, and the government of Golda Meir and Dayan bowed to American pressure, feeling obliged for the weapons provided.

To summarize: if we had not bowed to Biden’s pressure, we could have effectively blockaded the Strip and waged a much more effective war against Hamas. The terrorists, deprived of air (supplied by electric generators), water and food in the tunnels, would likely have surrendered long ago.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Жизни наших солдат превыше всего! Comments: 0

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