11 Сивана 5784 г., второй день недели, гл. Баалотха

About the miracles of the first Gulf War (II)

As for nuclear weapons, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has revealed Iraq’s extremely classified activities on the subject.

29.12.2022 477 (0)
About the miracles of the first Gulf War (II)
About the miracles of the first Gulf War (II)

The last time we spoke about the miracles related to chemical weapons. In recent years, UN and U.S. military archives have revealed more incredible facts. Just before the outbreak of the Gulf War (5751/1991), the information was released about an Iraqi biological weapon that uses bacteria and toxins. It is much more dangerous than chemical weapons: only a small amount of them can affect a huge area, and ordinary gas masks do not protect against them. Generally speaking, there is no cure for it at all. After the Gulf War, UN specialists found many devices in Iraq for producing such weapons; they had never been bombed or even heard of before!

Twenty-five missiles and 157 bombs with biological weapons, including anthrax bacilli, were prepared against Israel. Iraqi “Mirage” planes were specially equipped to spray it over Israel.

After the invasion of Iraq, a tape was found with instructions from Saddam, may his name be erased, to make sure that “germ warheads ... (i.e. missile warheads — A.I.) and bombs with ... germs are ready ...”. In this tape he also defines the target: “All Israeli cities, all...” and orders to direct the main attack on Tel Aviv. Only by the grace of the Almighty and thanks to His miracles this terrible weapon was not initiated — just as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, King Moshiach SHLITA, promised.

As for nuclear weapons, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has revealed Iraq’s extremely classified activities on the subject. The U.S. Air Force admits that initially they knew only about two nuclear facilities, while after the war twenty-four were discovered! UN experts believe that if the Gulf War had not taken place, Iraq would have had nuclear weapons before ’92!

Moreover, Iraq had tens of kilograms of enriched uranium suitable for nuclear weapons. They were used for “training” reactors obtained from Russia and purchased from France. The occupation of Kuwait has led to discontinued supervision of these reactors, and the scientists, having received orders “from above,” began to remove uranium from there and desperately construct a nuclear bomb from it in order to get it made before the war, the beginning of which the Iraqis were trying for this reason to delay as far as possible. The best specialists were involved and they obtained all the technical and financial support for the job. At the same time, “Scud” missiles were being prepared for this terrible task. The scientists and the revealed after-war documents show that, again, it was only by the grace of the Almighty that the Iraqis did not manage to prepare everything in time!

Thank the Almighty!

The Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach calls our generation “the generation of Redemption,” which shall come “with kindness and mercy.” Truly, we are witnessing, thank the Almighty, clear miracles: the evil regimes that threatened Israel: Saddam in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya, the Egyptian regime with its massive, heavily US-armed army that threatened Israel, are disappearing. The Assad regime has fallen, Hizbullah is tangled in Syria, Turkey is at war with Russia, the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia is escalating.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach SHLITA constantly emphasizes our obligation to thank the Almighty for His great mercies and miracles and to add to our Torah study, especially the teachings of Chassidism, and to observe the Mitzvos more carefully, with joy, in order to bring about true and complete Redemption.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From О чудесах во время первой войны в Персидском заливе (II) Comments: 0

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