25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

The Ramban and the real New Testament

With this act, G-d was displaying favor toward the Jewish people by giving them the Second set of Tablets, agreeing to dwell among them, and returning to His original love for them.

26.01.2020 1210 (0)
The Ramban and the real New Testament
The Ramban and the real New Testament

In his commentary on the weekly Torah portion “Vayakel” (35:1), the Ramban (Nachmonides) writes that the Almighty established with Moses (even before Moses descended from Mount Sinai after his third visit) a “Brit Hadash”, literally “a new union, a covenant.”

With this act, G-d was displaying favor toward the Jewish people by giving them the Second set of Tablets, agreeing to dwell among them, and returning to His original love for them.

So if someone walks up to you on the street with words about a "new covenant", we can justifiably say that we have one! Only ours has nothing to do with what the Christians call the “New Testament”. Of course while saying that, we need to be mindful of the reasons for such a statement.

Translated by Yosef Vinisky From РАМБАН: новый завет — вторые скрижали, полученные Моше Comments: 0

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