12 Ияра 5784 г., второй день недели, гл. Бэар

Shabbaton Lake Yamanaka 5771 Chabad Tokyo

All the guests stayed in bungalows in the woods near LakeYamanaka. The scenery was breathtaking. The meals and prayers were held in a big cabin lodge.

Rabbi Binyamin Edrey 20.10.2010 5043 (0)
Shabbaton Lake Yamanaka 5771 Chabad Tokyo
Shabbaton Lake Yamanaka 5771 Chabad Tokyo

This past Shabbat, Chabad House organized a Shabbaton near Mount Fuji. It was a fantastic success! All the guests stayed in bungalows in the woods near LakeYamanaka. The scenery was breathtaking. The meals and prayers were held in a big cabin lodge. The Dining Hall was like Noah’s Ark, since it was raining outside and inside everyone was having a great time talking, singing Shabbat songs, storytelling and just enjoying being together for a whole Shabbat.

The biggest surprise and best part of the Shabbaton was the Bar Mitzvah of Noa! A double Mazal tov to you, for going up to the Torah, on your special day! May you be a source of blessing and happiness to your whole family. After Shabbat we had a BBQ. It was great to get together as a group in such a warm, welcoming and inspirational atmosphere. One guest who came all the way from Osaka said, that the Shabbaton gave him so much strength and recharged him with such inner happiness! A huge thank you to Rabbi Edery for his tireless efforts and dedication, above and beyond and for constantly thinking and creating opportunities for people to get together, unite and impact their lives for the better.

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