12 Ияра 5784 г., второй день недели, гл. Бэар

Our goal is to crush Hamas!

It is not acceptable that our precious fighters, who are performing their holy duty, should be sent to sweep house after house, endangering their lives. → read more
08.10.2023 | Views: 405 | Comments: 0

IDF tries to free Jews taken captive by terrorists

Both locations are currently surrounded by security forces and IDF army special forces. My assessment is that negotiations are underway with the terrorists. → read more
07.10.2023 | Views: 395 | Comments: 0

Operation “Swords of Iron”, Day One

Currently, tens of thousands of regular army soldiers are already concentrated in the south of the country. There is an intensive conscription of tens of thousands of reservists. → read more
07.10.2023 | Views: 374 | Comments: 0

Significant downsides of a potential “defense alliance” between Israel and the US

In short, signing such an agreement contains significant disadvantages associated with the loss of independence, while most of the advantages of such an agreement are already being received by Israel today, while it retains sufficient ability to safeguard its interests. → read more
04.10.2023 | Views: 393 | Comments: 0

An unprecedented warning to the Iranian regime’s leaders made by the head of the Mossad

The background to the current warnings against the leaders of the Iranian regime is the fact that Israel has recently managed, with the grace and help of G-d, to prevent 27 terrorist attacks attempted by Iranian agents... → read more
11.09.2023 | Views: 499 | Comments: 0

“Mossad” declassifies documents on the Yom Kippur War

The lesson from this tragedy is clear — in security matters, politicians should rely more on security experts than on political considerations, no matter how important they may be! → read more
10.09.2023 | Views: 389 | Comments: 0

US Marine Corps gets Iron Dome system

These upcoming purchases for the U.S. Marine Corps follow the U.S. purchase of two Iron Dome batteries for its ground forces... → read more
27.08.2023 | Views: 367 | Comments: 0

Peace with Saudi Arabia: is it good or bad?

Moreover, Saudi Arabia's ambition to obtain the latest U.S. stealth aircraft has been previously discussed. → read more
10.08.2023 | Views: 393 | Comments: 0

The complete truth about the so-called “loss of IDF combat capability”

Let’s take, for example, the statement of approximately “a thousand Israeli Air Force soldiers” regarding their refusal to be further enlisted for reserve service. → read more
23.07.2023 | Views: 382 | Comments: 0

New F-35 aircraft have arrived in Israel

Three more stealth aircraft will arrive in Israel in the coming months, bringing the total number of stealth aircraft in Israel to 42. → read more
20.07.2023 | Views: 516 | Comments: 0

Results of the counter-terrorist operation "Home and Garden"

The terrorist operating and command headquarters and ammunition depots were destroyed. → read more
05.07.2023 | Views: 493 | Comments: 0

Successful extension of Operation “Home and Garden” in Jenin

Ending the operation too early will be interpreted by the terrorist groups, and of course Hizbullah and its masters in Iran, as their victory, which in the end can only weaken our deterrence factor! → read more
04.07.2023 | Views: 384 | Comments: 0

Large-scale IDF operation launched in Jenin

Additionally, tanks have been deployed to Jenin, but it is unclear whether they are operating inside the city. → read more
03.07.2023 | Views: 570 | Comments: 0

A Syrian air defence missile fell in the Negev

The missile missed the planes, continued its flight and exploded in mid-air. Its parts were found in the Negev, and some large fragments in the Bedouin town of Rahat. → read more
02.07.2023 | Views: 483 | Comments: 0

Mossad agents captured terrorist right on Iranian territory

The Mossad spokesman promised that the secret service’s determined efforts to prevent terror against Israelis and Jews around the world would continue. → read more
30.06.2023 | Views: 563 | Comments: 0