Gary Tuchman, CNN National Correspondent (12 Cheshvan 5752 — October 20, 1991): "Rebbe, could you tell us the message you have for the world about Moshiach, the message you have for the whole world about the Moshiach?"
The Rebbe: "(Yeah. I have printed it...) it was printed in all the press of all the countries. (If you will repeat it...) The Moshiach is ready to come now if it's only from our part to do something additional in the realm of goodness and kindness."
Gary Tuchman: "So people should be doing goodness and kindness for him to come?"
The Rebbe: "At least a little more. Then Moshiach will come immediately."
The Rebbe gives both him and his camera operator each two dollar bills (two single dollars to each): "A double portion of charity."
Gary Tuchman: "Thank you, Rebbe. You're very kind."