The Rebbe Endorsed Being Called “Melech HaMoshiach”

Rabbi Groner testified that he himself asked the Rebbe if it was permissible to refer to him as “King Moshiach” in a book being published at that time...

10.07.2024 346
The Rebbe Endorsed Being Called “Melech HaMoshiach”
The Rebbe Endorsed Being Called “Melech HaMoshiach”

In October 2015, a federal court in New York began hearings regarding the use of the “Kehot Publication Society” trademark. For several days, a Jewish judge heard various testimonies about the establishment and operation of the publishing house. One of the witnesses was Rabbi Yehuda Leib Groner, the secretary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who was entrusted by the Rebbe with the publication of Chabad’s leaders’ books and received numerous instructions regarding this work.

At some point, the discussion turned to the use of the title “King Moshiach” for the Rebbe on book covers. Rabbi Groner testified that he himself asked the Rebbe if it was permissible to refer to him as “King Moshiach” in a book being published at that time, and the Rebbe gave a positive response. Following this, Rabbi Groner read the Rebbe the preface of the book “Besuras Hageulah” (The Tidings of Redemption)," where it was written “Rebbe Shlita King Moshiach,” and asked once more if the Rebbe approved it. The Rebbe nodded in agreement.

Later, Rabbi Groner recounted that the Rebbe once asked him, “Why do the Chassidim say that I am Moshiach?” to which the secretary replied that all the criteria of Moshiach listed in the Rambam’s book match the Rebbe. The Rebbe accepted this answer.

From Ребе одобрил, когда о нем написали «Король Мошиах»

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