СБП. Дни Мошиаха! 24 Ияра 5784 г., суббота недели Бамидбар | 2024-06-01 15:23

Yosef My Son

Moshe Yess 10.10.2018 1583 (0)

A child was born into this world, in 1933,
A blessing for a Jewish home, in Frankfurt, Germany.
And his father taught him Aleph-Bais, he learned to read and write,
Each night he heard his mother say these words to him:

Yosef my son, the Lord our G-d is one.
G-d is very near, Yosef my dear.
Yosef my son, we are the chosen ones,
Do not fear we'll always be together

Yosef was a boy of 9 in 1942,
He had a secret hiding place, like all young children do.
Horrified, he saw them take his mom and dad away
Alone, he heard his mother's final words to him:

Yosef my son, take some food and run.
G-d is very near, Yosef my dear.
Yosef my son, we are the chosen ones.
Do not fear we'll always be together...

To feel his hand on the Western Wall, was a life-long dream come true.
He'd made it to Jerusalem, the city of the Jew.
And he opened up his Siddur, as he had done each day,
And he prayed to G-d for his mother and his father.

And an old man stood there praying, for a son he thought long dead.
„That voice! That's my fathers voice!“ — was all that Yosef said.
And he looked into the old man's eyes, tears came down his face,
And he fell into his father's embrace.

Yosef my son, the Lord our G-d is one.
Now come your mother's here, Yosef my dear.
Yosef my son, a miracle has been done.
From now on, we'll always be together...

Yosef my son, the Lord our G-d is one.
G-d is very near, Yosef my dear.
Yosef my son, we are the chosen ones.
From now on, we'll always be together.
From now on, we'll always be together...

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