11 Сивана 5784 г., второй день недели, гл. Баалотха

Israel: we will not let the Iranian regime create nuclear weapons

This is all about preventing the situation from leading to a direct military confrontation with Iran. → read more
22.02.2023 | Views: 445 | Comments: 0

The Iranians have enriched uranium to 84%

Here I think it is appropriate to emphasize again: contrary to the loud publications in some media that Iran is “on the edge” of developing nuclear weapons, this is not the case! → read more
20.02.2023 | Views: 522 | Comments: 0

Israel for the first time began exporting oil products

It is indeed the Era of Moshiach — Israel is exporting oil products to Europe, that has a need for them, and wants to receive them —from Israel. → read more
18.02.2023 | Views: 500 | Comments: 0

The legitimacy of Israel’s security actions

In general, it is not necessary to wait for the world powers to fully support Israel’s actions, but at the same time it is necessary to act firmly and decisively to protect the interests of its own citizens, including those in the settlements... → read more
16.02.2023 | Views: 432 | Comments: 0

It is necessary to increase public pressure on international organizations!

Who can any longer doubt that the PA government and militant groups, sponsored from abroad, are engaged in terrorist activities? → read more
12.02.2023 | Views: 431 | Comments: 0

Successful IDF anti-terrorist operation in Jericho

Tonight IDF forces carried out an investigation actions in the Arab village of Akabat Jaber near Jericho. → read more
06.02.2023 | Views: 521 | Comments: 0

Israel bombed a strategic facility in Iran

According to US information, it was Israel that struck and probably successfully hit a missile or drone development facility and destroyed two weapons convoys. → read more
31.01.2023 | Views: 481 | Comments: 0

Get stronger the people of Israel!

And this is more than evident right now, as Jews recall their true purpose, become increasingly firm in the Torah, the source of life, and take an active part in supporting and educating other jews. → read more
30.01.2023 | Views: 528 | Comments: 0

Horrific terrorist attacks on Shabbat in Yerushalayim

Only a firm and proactive position by the government can counter this wave of terror. → read more
29.01.2023 | Views: 440 | Comments: 0

Protecting the lives of civilians is the top priority for the new Israeli government

And today the IDF conducted devastating strikes against targets in Gaza and successfully destroyed an underground Hamas military factory in the Gaza Strip! → read more
27.01.2023 | Views: 472 | Comments: 0

Successful IDF operation in Jenin

During the counterattack our soldiers eliminated at least six more fighters. The number of killed enemy combatants may have been as many as eight or ten. → read more
27.01.2023 | Views: 461 | Comments: 0

Mistakes of the Israeli government before the Yom Kippur War

Only recently have the details of this Israeli agent come to light. Previously, for many years, even his name was a closely guarded secret. → read more
23.01.2023 | Views: 472 | Comments: 0

Miracles of the Six Day War

It was for this purpose that Operation “Focus”, a sudden preventive attack on Arab military airfields, was planned and eventually carried out. → read more
23.01.2023 | Views: 589 | Comments: 0

RAFAEL presented “the best anti-tank missile in the world”

In my opinion, this is not an exaggeration at all. We are talking about a unique missile — the world’s first anti-tank missile, called the 6th generation missile. → read more
23.01.2023 | Views: 393 | Comments: 0
22.01.2023 | Views: 892 | Comments: 0