24 Ияра 5784 г., суббота недели, гл. Бамидбар

Israel attacked Damascus and launched a satellite

Note that we are not talking about an “ordinary” satellite photographing the surface of the planet. → read more
31.03.2023 | Views: 399 | Comments: 0

The Leftist Putsch against Israel

The people who just recently claimed to be the “salt of the earth” are now refusing to defend their native country from a terrible enemy, only to surrender to their political opponents. → read more
27.03.2023 | Views: 470 | Comments: 0

Israel is one of the safest places in the world

I’d suggest looking at this situation in a broader way, realizing that even in this context, Israel remains one of the most prosperous places in the world... → read more
23.03.2023 | Views: 424 | Comments: 0

Netanya: last week’s terror attack miraculously ended without casualties

And please keep in mind that the official police statement mentions “miracle” — so the police are admitting miracles, too! → read more
22.03.2023 | Views: 507 | Comments: 0

Impose the death penalty on terrorists!

The apparent miracle was that even though the terrorist shot David at very close range, the wound was not fatal; and even after that, David managed to shoot him back and wound him! → read more
20.03.2023 | Views: 385 | Comments: 0

High-ranking terrorist killed in Damascus

The high-ranking terrorist was killed by gunmen who shot him while traveling in the suburbs of Damascus. → read more
20.03.2023 | Views: 356 | Comments: 0

Israel is successfully fighting Arab terrorists

About 85 terrorists have been eliminated since the beginning of the year! → read more
17.03.2023 | Views: 483 | Comments: 0

Declassified details about the terrorist attack in Megiddo

It is still not clear how the terrorist got to the Megiddo junction, why he targeted that place and why he went back to the border. → read more
16.03.2023 | Views: 566 | Comments: 0

Purim Miracles in Jenin

During the day the terrorists also detonated a missile near an IDF bulldozer which was operating in the Gaza Strip... → read more
09.03.2023 | Views: 458 | Comments: 0

Purim victories over “today’s Aman.”

Our fighters surrounded the home where the terrorist assassin was hiding, then as a result of the ongoing firefight, they killed him and five other terrorists. → read more
08.03.2023 | Views: 440 | Comments: 0
07.03.2023 | Views: 514 | Comments: 0

Cutting off the main traffic arteries: strategic strike or act of aggression?

The town of Huwara has been a target for terrorists for many years, since it is one of the only routes by which Israelis can reach the settlements in the northern West Bank. → read more
28.02.2023 | Views: 537 | Comments: 0

Is the Israeli government to bow under the pressure of the US?

Not again! Is the Israeli government willing to bow under the pressure of the US administration this time? → read more
27.02.2023 | Views: 445 | Comments: 0

Israel has approved the budget for the next two years ahead

This means that institutions that will be approved by government ministries will receive full funding, similar to kindergartens, starting at the age of two. → read more
25.02.2023 | Views: 391 | Comments: 0

In Historic Move, Oman Opens Air Space To Israeli Flights

This incredible change in Israel’s relations with the Arab countries, which is happening right in front of our eyes, is a clear sign of the coming Redemption. → read more
25.02.2023 | Views: 462 | Comments: 0