30 Нисана 5784 г., четвертый день недели, гл. Кдошим

Google Earth, Israel and… Moses

Amazing thing you can see on your computers using Google Earth program. If you look closely at the video, right next to Israel's terrain you can see the figure of a man, supposedly Moses, carefully looking at the Promised Land. → read more
23.09.2009 | Views: 12894 | Comments: 0

How To Relate To Gimmel Tammuz

Once again, we are faced with the crucial question: How should we relate to Gimmel Tammuz? In this essay, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Ginsburg offers a clear perspective on how to approach this day. "It is our fervent desire that the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach be revealed, and that he himself answer all our questions. But if, G-d forbid, Moshiach is delayed for another few moments, we must also be aware of what the Rebbe wants us to do in this contingency". → read more
22.06.2009 | Views: 4653 | Comments: 0

All the Nations of the world will stream to G-d's Temple

A Japanese man, called Sakamoto san, stopped them. After finding out, what brought them to his part of town, offered to give an office he wasn't using in Asakusa, for free for 1 year, until Chabad House would find another place. → read more
19.06.2009 | Views: 5907 | Comments: 0

Kfar Chabad Couple Has First Child After 24 Years

Two years ago, Moshe Estrik wrote to the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach through „Igrot Kodesh“ and asked for a blessing to have children. When he opened the book, he saw the words „buy an apartment in Kfar Chabad …changing your place will change your luck“. → read more
08.06.2009 | Views: 4999 | Comments: 0

Why was the Torah given in the Desert?

The giving of the Torah in the desert, not indoors, or in a garden or forest or city, is to teach us a lesson. → read more
21.05.2009 | Views: 4533 | Comments: 0

Japan: Kids In Action!

Moshiach (8), who is the oldest of the Edery kids once asked a Jewish man, if he would like to put on Tefillin to which he replied:” Sorry I’m in a rush I haven’t go time”. → read more
02.05.2009 | Views: 3847 | Comments: 0

Education and sharing day, U.S.A., 2009

Few have better understood or more successfully promoted these ideas than Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who emphasized the importance of education and good character. → read more
11.04.2009 | Views: 3832 | Comments: 0

The Role of the Jewish Woman in Bringing the Redemption

The Rebbe King Moshiach emphasizes that according to Torah sources, the generation of the final Redemption is a reincarnation of the generation that left Egypt. Jewish women in Egypt believed wholeheartedly in the words of the prophet, Moshe, that they would be redeemed. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 6218 | Comments: 0

Accepting the Kingship of the Rebbe King Moshiach

Torah sources emphasize that establishing and deepening our faith in the Redemption actually hastens its revelation. This is also true with the acceptance of Moshiach and the strengthening of our faith in him. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 5202 | Comments: 0

What can we do to reveal Moshiach?

The more we learn about Redemption the more we are enabled to open our eyes and see it in actuality. All of this should be done in the spirit of faith and joy. The very belief in the Rebbe's prophecy brings true joy. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 3513 | Comments: 0

Moshiach lives eternally

All that's left for us to do now, he told us, is to greet our righteous King Moshiach in such a way that every commandment we keep and every good deed we do has to be specifically with the purpose of doing it in order to greet Moshiach. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 4594 | Comments: 0

The Rebbe identifies Moshiach

The Rebbe meets the criteria of Moshiach and has made us aware of his identity as Moshiach. Therefore many projects have been organized to publicize the Rebbe as King Moshiach. These projects received the Rebbe's blessing and approval. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 14406 | Comments: 3

Understanding who is the Rebbe

From prime minister to layman, child to renowned Torah scholar, thousands of men, women and children from every walk of life come to the Rebbe's synagogue at 770 Eastern Parkway to receive the Rebbe's personal advice, blessing and unbounded love. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 3932 | Comments: 2

The qualifications for Moshiach

The Rambam's (Maimonides) Laws of Kings is the only source in Jewish law on the identity of Moshiach and the criteria he must fulfill. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 10841 | Comments: 0

What Moshiach is about?

This world will become a place where suffering, war and jealousy cease to exist, a world of physical and spiritual peace and prosperity, permeated with the awareness and knowledge of G-d, a world where death ceases to exist and every Jew who has ever lived is brought back to life forever. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 3456 | Comments: 0