1 Ияра 5784 г., пятый день недели, гл. Кдошим

The Leftist Putsch against Israel

The people who just recently claimed to be the “salt of the earth” are now refusing to defend their native country from a terrible enemy, only to surrender to their political opponents. → read more
27.03.2023 | Views: 450 | Comments: 0

Miracles that saved the world or Chronicle of events in the Persian Gulf

Despite all the fears that the war with the regime of the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein would escalate into a world war between the US-led coalition forces and the Soviet Union supporting Saddam, the terrible scenario did not materialize — just as the Rebbe had prophesied. → read more
27.03.2023 | Views: 454 | Comments: 0

The U.S. attacks Iranian militants

On Thursday night, pro-Iranian groups attacked a U.S. base in Syria, resulting in casualties. The U.S. air force responded by attacking their bases, killing at least eight (maybe more) fighters. → read more
26.03.2023 | Views: 498 | Comments: 0

Why an Egg?

The egg possesses a unique quality; the longer we cook it the harder it gets. → read more
26.03.2023 | Views: 437 | Comments: 0

UK Inflation and the Banking Crisis

The British Statistical Office reports a sharp rise in inflation of 10.4% in February alone! → read more
24.03.2023 | Views: 382 | Comments: 0

Israel is one of the safest places in the world

I’d suggest looking at this situation in a broader way, realizing that even in this context, Israel remains one of the most prosperous places in the world... → read more
23.03.2023 | Views: 407 | Comments: 0

Netanya: last week’s terror attack miraculously ended without casualties

And please keep in mind that the official police statement mentions “miracle” — so the police are admitting miracles, too! → read more
22.03.2023 | Views: 485 | Comments: 0

The Lebanese economy collapsed by 20% more

Tensions with Lebanon have risen since then, but now with the collapse of the Lebanese pound happening so fast — and it falling 20% in 6 days — Lebanon has a very good reason not to provoke Israel... → read more
21.03.2023 | Views: 358 | Comments: 0

The agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran does not threaten Israel

In other words: it has nothing to do with Israel. It is clearly an internal Saudi interest. → read more
20.03.2023 | Views: 388 | Comments: 0

Impose the death penalty on terrorists!

The apparent miracle was that even though the terrorist shot David at very close range, the wound was not fatal; and even after that, David managed to shoot him back and wound him! → read more
20.03.2023 | Views: 364 | Comments: 0

High-ranking terrorist killed in Damascus

The high-ranking terrorist was killed by gunmen who shot him while traveling in the suburbs of Damascus. → read more
20.03.2023 | Views: 339 | Comments: 0

The Hague court accused Putin of war crimes

Perhaps, from the Western perspective, this is the first step towards direct attempts to replace the Russian leader. → read more
19.03.2023 | Views: 400 | Comments: 0

Israel is successfully fighting Arab terrorists

About 85 terrorists have been eliminated since the beginning of the year! → read more
17.03.2023 | Views: 463 | Comments: 0

Oil price reduction to $68 is good news!

Now we know that Europe is well prepared and survived the winter without significant losses! → read more
16.03.2023 | Views: 387 | Comments: 0

Declassified details about the terrorist attack in Megiddo

It is still not clear how the terrorist got to the Megiddo junction, why he targeted that place and why he went back to the border. → read more
16.03.2023 | Views: 547 | Comments: 0