30 Нисана 5784 г., четвертый день недели, гл. Кдошим

It's Ok To Get Excited About Moshiach

An unprecedented level of excitement has been generated in the aftermath of the announcement by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson that the Time of the Redemption has arrived. → read more
25.02.2009 | Views: 3368 | Comments: 0

Power of Keeping Shabbat

The lawyer was dumbfounded and he said, “In the decades I’ve been in this profession, I have never had anything like it. One minute they have evidence against you and the next minute they skip 100 questions and approve you for ten years...” → read more
24.02.2009 | Views: 4325 | Comments: 0

Radiating Outward

Similarly, we have a responsibility to radiate light outward. The Jewish people are known as a light unto the nations. It is up to us to serve as proud examples of the Torah’s teachings, and to spread its light outward to the entire world. → read more
24.02.2009 | Views: 3052 | Comments: 0

Daniel fell off Fuji and miraculously was saved

Rabbi Binyomin immediately contacted the Israeli and British embassies and Mr. Muto to contact the police of the Fuji mountain area. The police contacted the mountain rangers, who said that they were aware that someone fell because a Japanese mountain climber who climbed with Daniel, Mr. Honda, told them. → read more
23.02.2009 | Views: 5459 | Comments: 2

The Seven Noahide Laws

Just as the horrifically evil events we have recently witnessed, as incomprehensible as they are, have shaken the entire world for the worse. So every good deed done now can reveal untold blessings and change the world for the better. → read more
23.02.2009 | Views: 4239 | Comments: 0

Why is it so important to convince non-observant Jews to keep the mitzvot?

We are living in the generation which can hear the approaching footsteps of Moshiach, a stage by which "all the propitious final times for the coming of the Redemption have already passed. → read more
20.02.2009 | Views: 4069 | Comments: 0

Adaptability of Life

Biologists have discovered over a hundred species of "extremophiles", which live under conditions that were originally thought to be too extreme for life. → read more
20.02.2009 | Views: 3000 | Comments: 0

How is it to our advantage now to anticipate Moshiach's future arrival?

The Redemption and the coming of Moshiach are not merely a future reward, but form an integral part of our present divine service. Without the belief and anticipation of Moshiach's imminent arrival, our divine service now would be lacking a dimension. → read more
12.02.2009 | Views: 2836 | Comments: 0

Hearing the Lightning

Look around the room. What do you see? You see walls, a floor, a ceiling. You see furniture: A table, a desk, a chair. If you go outdoors, you see the sky, flowers, trees. But what lies under the surface of what you see? → read more
12.02.2009 | Views: 3740 | Comments: 0

A Naked Singularity

A fascinating phenomenon studied by modern physics is the black hole. When a massive star has spent all its energy and no longer radiates light, it collapses under its own weight. Some stars stabilize at smaller sizes. → read more
12.02.2009 | Views: 3343 | Comments: 0

Chief Rabbi Confirms Gaza Miracle Story

Former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, recovering from a life-threatening disease, prayed several times at the Tomb of the Biblical Matriarch Rachel before the recent war in Gaza. Informed that an “old woman” saved IDF soldiers’ lives in Gaza, he said, “Did she mention that I sent her?” → read more
22.01.2009 | Views: 4956 | Comments: 0

Foremother Rachel is protecting our soldiers in Gaza

There are reports from the battlefield in Gaza about a woman who saved Israeli soldiers several times. Eyewitnesses claim that the woman told them that she is foremother Rachel and was sent to guard them. → read more
20.01.2009 | Views: 3343 | Comments: 0

Mordechai Keidar on Al-Jazeera

Jerusalem is our city forever and is not an issue for you, for Al Jazeera or for anyone else. Period. Jerusalem belongs only to Jews. → read more
20.06.2008 | Views: 4715 | Comments: 2

The purpose of our site

One of the features of this time — the presence of Moshiach in everything. Therefore, we will be publishing articles explaining how to reveal the Moshiach in all that surrounds us. → read more
22.01.2009 | Views: 3942 | Comments: 0

The Rebbe Told us That He is Moshiach

The Rebbe meets the criteria of Moshiach and has made us aware of his identity as Moshiach. Therefore many projects have been organized to publicize the Rebbe as King Moshiach. These projects received the Rebbe's blessing and approval... → read more
31.08.2007 | Views: 4615 | Comments: 1