5 Тишрея 5785 г., второй день недели, гл. Браха

What Is a Rebbe?

The following contains portions of a fascinating exchange between the Rebbe and a group of Jewish college students in 5711 (1952) as was recorded by Dr. Nissan Mindel. → read more
22.01.2024 | Views: 504 | Comments: 0

Of Stones and Letters or How to Watch Your Head

The question arises: what action can we take, similar to what Yaakov did, to avoid being subject to bad influences around us? → read more
05.12.2022 | Views: 709 | Comments: 0

We Have Been Victorious. A chronology of the “Matter of the Books” Story

Since then, we celebrate this day as a great holiday. This is a victory day of the light of Hasidism over the forces of darkness, when we prevailed — “Didan nozach”. → read more
05.01.2020 | Views: 1112 | Comments: 0

770 around the world

Because Lubavitch Chassidim attach great significance to everything connected to the Rebbe King Moshiach, Lubavitch Chassidim all over the world have built replicas or near-replicas of the building. → read more
09.08.2007 | Views: 14684 | Comments: 0

Make a teacher for yourself

“I suggested and requested, with a “request of the soul” (and beyond, but at the moment I don't have a more suitable expression) that this should be publicized everywhere - that it would be worthwhile and very proper for every Jewish man and woman and child to fulfill the instruction of the Mishna, “asei lecha rav,” “make a teacher for yourself” - and go to him from time to time in order to ascertain where you stand with regard to your avodas Hashem.” → read more
20.09.2006 | Views: 3819 | Comments: 2