However, the connection of Chassidim to the Rebbe should encompass everything, as the Rebbe is the collective soul and everything that happens to him is connected to all Jews. Therefore, Chassidim should also celebrate 3 Tammuz. → read more
The Rebbe consistently revealed this innovation through many of his talks, especially in his discussion on the parsha “Bo”, where he emphasized that the entire Jewish people would attain this during the transition from exile to redemption. → read more
Despite all the fears that the war with the regime of the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein would escalate into a world war between the US-led coalition forces and the Soviet Union supporting Saddam, the terrible scenario did not materialize — just as the Rebbe had prophesied. → read more
Once again, this happened yesterday on his departure from Warsaw. In published footage, we see the American president stumbling as he climbed just over half of the stairs. → read more
Significant reductions have also taken place in the Israeli Air Force over the years. At one time the number of combat aircraft in the IAF was 600, but today, according to foreign publications, there are only 350 in service! → read more
The Rebbe explains to us that the purpose of earthquakes is not to cause harm, but only to make the misguided people realize their mistake, and live from now on, acknowledging G-d. → read more
Libya rushed to accuse Israel of evil intentions and that the airliner had not been warned before it was shot down (which, of course, was a complete lie and contradicted all the documentary evidence). → read more
Among the “second circle” countries that once seriously threatened Israel but have now disintegrated or become extremely weak, the most striking are Iraq, Sudan, and Libya. → read more
Indeed, for almost 2,000 years since the destruction of Yerushalayim, there has been Rome. Today, however, Rome (Italy) is the country that has become more destroyed than the rest, and so Yerushalayim will be rebuilt! → read more