5 Тишрея 5785 г., второй день недели, гл. Браха

Why does Biden keep stumbling and falling?

Once again, this happened yesterday on his departure from Warsaw. In published footage, we see the American president stumbling as he climbed just over half of the stairs.

23.02.2023 626 (0)
Why does Biden keep stumbling and falling?
Biden Spike Johnson / shutterstock

Occasionally we write about the fall of superpowers. It appears in many ways — economic, military, etc. This fall is part of the Redemption process as it is written in our holy books. With the election of Biden, we got another expression of this, because the president of the United States is stumbling (physically) and falling again and again...

Once again, this happened yesterday on his departure from Warsaw. In published footage, we see the American president stumbling as he climbed just over half of the stairs. He fell, but immediately got up and continued climbing. In fact, one of the members of the delegation accompanying the president also stumbled as he was going down the plane, then rolled down, bumped into other officials and literally fell out on the airport pavement.

Байден постоянно падает...
Байден постоянно падает...

Besides this incident, Biden has fallen already at least three times...

On March 19, 2021, Biden stumbled three times as he boarded the flight to Atlanta. On November 16, 2022, the American leader stumbled on the stairs on his way to a G-20 summit event in Bali. Earlier, in June, Biden fell off his bicycle.

The teachings of Chasidism explain that the power of the state leader comes from the power of his spiritual “minister” at the top. Does Biden’s fall indicate the decline of his “chief minister”? Maybe.

What is certain is the fact that the president of the most powerful nation in the world falls, time after time, in front of the whole world (because it is being filmed and broadcast all over the world) — and this is another expression of the fall of the world of strength — in preparation for the appearance of our righteous Moshiach, who will rule the whole world in the most perfect and finest way.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Почему Байден все время спотыкается и падает?

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