22 Тевета 5785 г., четвертый день недели, гл. Ваэра

Understanding the Timing of Moshiach's Arrival According to the Prophets and Talmudic Sages

In the tractate “Sanhedrin” (98a), this contradiction is resolved: “If the Jews are deserving, I will hasten it; if not, it will come in its appointed time.” → read more
16.07.2024 | Views: 514 | Comments: 0

The Rebbe in a Physical Body: Why Is This So Crucial?

When we speak about the Rebbe’s existence, it’s utterly impossible to explain this in a spiritual sense alone. The world cannot exist without a living Rebbe — the leader of the generation! → read more
16.07.2024 | Views: 334 | Comments: 0

The Rebbe is Alive! Is This Difficult for You to Comprehend?

When blessing the new moon, all Jews collectively declare: "David, King of Israel, lives and endures forever." → read more
16.07.2024 | Views: 479 | Comments: 0

Moshiach in Three Generations

In his addresses in the year 5752, the Rebbe, King Moshiach, repeatedly drew our attention to these three generations. → read more
11.07.2024 | Views: 358 | Comments: 0

Deciphering the Rebbe’s Famous Acronym at Speech Conclusions

he word “miyad” hints at three people connected to the Previous Rebbe in a way close to us: Moshiach (his name is Menachem), Yosef Yitzchak (Rebbe Rayatz), and Dov Ber (the second name of Rebbe Rashab). → read more
10.07.2024 | Views: 391 | Comments: 0

Chassidim Always Wrote “Rebbe, King Moshiach”

Then he covered the letter with his hand so that I couldn’t see its content, showing only the beginning where he addressed the Rebbe as “Rebbe, King Moshiach.” → read more
10.07.2024 | Views: 285 | Comments: 0

The Rebbe Endorsed Being Called “Melech HaMoshiach”

Rabbi Groner testified that he himself asked the Rebbe if it was permissible to refer to him as “King Moshiach” in a book being published at that time... → read more
10.07.2024 | Views: 320 | Comments: 0

There is No Need to Conceal the Identity of the Moshiach!

The Rebbe Himself Added the Words that Moshiach is the Leader of the Generation. → read more
09.07.2024 | Views: 349 | Comments: 0

Chassidim’s Early Recognition of the Rebbe as Moshiach in 1950

Even then, it was evident to the Chassidim that the Rebbe was not only the leader of Chabad but also Moshiach. → read more
09.07.2024 | Views: 297 | Comments: 0

The Word “Moshiach” in the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Signature

This suggests that the Chassidim’s attention to the Rebbe’s signature was both logical and justified. → read more
08.07.2024 | Views: 248 | Comments: 0

I am also waiting...

The Rebbe replied to her: “Good news, great success” and added with a smile: “I am also waiting.” → read more
08.07.2024 | Views: 238 | Comments: 0

The Rebbe Declairs: Moshiach has already been revealed!

However, from the moment the Rebbe announced the revelation of Moshiach in the year 5751, he began to speak openly about the name of Moshiach — Menachem. → read more
08.07.2024 | Views: 257 | Comments: 0

I Want You to Become Moshiach!

I want you to become Moshiach! To come to Eretz Yisrael and redeem us. Let it be so. In the near future! In the near future! Good news. → read more
08.07.2024 | Views: 256 | Comments: 0

When the Rebbe Approved Mission to Prepare Russians for Moshiach

It should be noted that in those years, emissaries in Russia were already telling people that the Rebbe is Moshiach. → read more
07.07.2024 | Views: 384 | Comments: 0

Telegram Addressed to the Rebbe: “King Moshiach”

The Rebbe responded to this telegram on 11 Nissan (his birthday), acknowledging its receipt and wishing the family blessings in preparation for Pesach. → read more
04.07.2024 | Views: 189 | Comments: 0