14 Элула 5784 г., третий день недели, гл. Таво

The complete truth about the so-called “loss of IDF combat capability”

Let’s take, for example, the statement of approximately “a thousand Israeli Air Force soldiers” regarding their refusal to be further enlisted for reserve service.

23.07.2023 455 (0)
The complete truth about the so-called “loss of IDF combat capability”
The complete truth about the so-called “loss of IDF combat capability”

According to the IDF Spokesperson’s Office: The publication about the alleged warning by the Chief of General Staff that the IDF will lose its combat capability within 48 hours is not true and was not made on behalf of the IDF. The army leadership, according to the report, discusses the IDF’s combat capability exclusively with the political leadership.

The idea behind the IDF spokesperson’s statement is that the publications in various kinds of “media” speculating about the combat effectiveness of the Israel Defence Forces (supposedly damaged because a bunch of army seniors publicly declared their refusal to enlist for reserve service) are manipulative propaganda by opponents of legal reform and complete lies.

Let’s try to examine this topic in a little more detail:

Let’s take, for example, the statement of approximately “a thousand Israeli Air Force soldiers” regarding their refusal to be further enlisted for reserve service.

To begin with, according to an IDF spokesman, this letter was signed only with initials. Obviously, such anonymity leaves a huge scope for falsifications and lies, because, in fact, there are no real names in this letter.

Moreover, it is not clear at all how many of those who signed this letter with initials are actually reserve officers and not “dead people” of leftist propaganda.

Furthermore, it is completely unknown how many of the signatories of the letter are real reservists who actually serve in reserve duty for dozens of days a year (i.e., are involved in critical missions) and how many serve only a few days a year (in other words, with the greatest respect to them, their refusal is unlikely to do any harm to real missions).

So, if we even assume that all the “thousand signatures” are real people (and not just initials), and even if all of them are really regularly called up for reserve service, and even if the service of each of them is significant, still, we are not talking about a decrease in the combat capability of the army, because: the number of regular servicemen of the Air Force and reserve forces is counted in dozens of thousands of people.

Therefore, even the refusal of reserve service of about a thousand people (I repeat — most likely the real figures are two or three times less) will not harm the combat effectiveness of our army!

I don’t even have the slightest doubt that in case of a military conflict, the vast majority of reservists will not hesitate to stand up for their country and the lives of their families.

Israel has powerful combat capabilities that are not measured only by the number of aircraft and pilots. According to foreign publications, Israel’s military potential is capable of destroying entire armies with means that should not even be mentioned.

Finally, the security of the people of Israel is in the hands of the Creator of the world. The people of Israel have won wars even when their forces were seriously outnumbered compared to the enemy forces, for example, during the War of Independence, the Six Day War, as well as the Yom Kippur War, in which our regular army was, in fact, defeated, and only by the miracles of G-d were the Syrian and Egyptian armies stopped, which failed to penetrate deep into the territory of Israel.

As it is said in the Tehillim: “Behold The guardian of Israel will neither slumber nor sleep”. Let`s remember the words of the Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach: “The Land of Israel is the safest place in the world”! And as it says in the Tanakh: “The land which the L-rd your G-d cares for: the eyes of the L-rd your G-d are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.”

May there be more good news!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Вся правда о так называемой «утрате боеспособности ЦАХАЛа»

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